MES’s, Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya Newasa has initiated the School connect 2.0 Campaign under the IQAC of the college. The inaugural program for this was held at the beginning of Cultural program for the Annual Social Gathering of the college in auspicious hands of Hon’ble Principal Dr. G. B. Kalhapure on Friday, 10th Jan.2025. Dr. Ghanwat A. J. (Vice-Principal), Mrs. Mote R. D. (Vice-Principal-Jr.), Mr. Purane D. V. (Supervisor), Dr. Khandare Ravindra (Dir. of Phy. Edu.). Mr. Garje Sunil, Dr. Jagtap B. S., Mr. Rode Govardhan, Mr. Salunke Devidas, Mr. Bhoge Nitin and Mr. Jadhav Amol, and the students from senior and junior section were present on this occasion.